John brown biography timeline activities
John brown biography queen victoria.
Resources to help students explore the question of whether John Brown’s use of violence to achieve his goal was justified.
Background Essay:
John Brown was born in 1800 in Connecticut, the son of a tanner.
John brown biography timeline activities
In 1804, his family moved to Ohio. Like most children of the time, from an early age Brown helped in the family business and had considerable responsibility. During the war of 1812, when driving cattle more than 100 miles from home to deliver the herd to the army, he witnessed the cruel abuse of a young slave of approximately John Brown’s age.
Much later, Brown wrote that this experience “led him to declare, or Swear Eternal war with Slavery . .
John brown biography book
. [as he observed] the wretched, hopeless condition, of Fatherless & Motherless slave children: for such children have neither Fathers or Mothers to protect, & provide for them.”
He married Dianthe Lusk in 1820, and they had seven children.
They farmed, raised cattle, and operated a profitable tannery in Pennsylvania. The year 1