History of paul the apostle of jesus
Peter the apostle...
The Life of Paul
The birth name of Paul is actually Saul.
History of paul the apostle of jesus christ
He was born into a Jewish family in the city of Tarsus. His birth in a Roman "free city" grants him Roman citizenship, a privilege he will exercise later in life. The early religious training Paul receives comes from the best Rabbinical school in Jerusalem.
It is led by the well-known and respected Pharisee Gamaliel.
Timeline of Peter's Life and Ministry
Paul is thirty years old when he is an official witness at the stoning of Stephen.
History of paul the apostle of jesus
His Pharisaic zeal for God's law and dedication to stopping the early spread of Christianity knew no bounds. After seeing Stephen's life taken, he leads the first great wave of persecution against the early church. On reflecting on his pre-conversion days Paul says the following.
"For you heard of my (Paul is speaking) former conduct when I was in Judaism, how I was excessively persecuting the church of God and was destroying it; And I was advancing in Judaism far beyond man