Timothy leary biography psychedelic experience online
Psychedelic experience festival.
Getting in shape for the psychedelic revolution
He was the person Richard Nixon once called the “most dangerous man in America,” a symbol of the counterculture who encouraged the country to “Turn on!
Timothy leary biography psychedelic experience online
Tune In! Drop Out!”
Trippy stuff, for sure, and that’s how Timothy Leary is largely remembered. While he definitely was a proponent of noshing on shrooms and tripping on psychedelic drugs, Leary was unique in that he gave a bit of professional creedence to the idea that opening your mind with LSD was a perfectly acceptable way of life and self-exploration… at least, he did at first.
Often cited as a Harvard professor — even though he wasn’t — Leary is a figure almost as surreal as the drugged-out trips he and his devotees endured throughout the 1960s and 1970s.
He was so much more than a psychiatrist-turned-hippie-icon, leading a life filled to the brim with experiments well outside the norm of mainstream academia, in addition to the establishmen