Gary paulsen author biography of suzanne

  • Gary paulsen author biography of suzanne
  • Gary paulsen author biography of suzanne

  • Gary paulsen author biography of suzanne
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  • Gary paulsen author biography of suzanne collins
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    Gary Paulsen life and biography

    Writer, 1960s--. Has also worked as a teacher, field engineer, editor, soldier, actor, director, farmer, rancher, truck driver, trapper, professional archer, migrant farm worker, singer, and sailor.

    Military service: U.S. Army, 1959-62; became sergeant.

    Gary Paulsen, born May 17, 1939, in Minneapolis, MN; son of Oscar (an army officer) and Eunice Paulsen; married third wife, Ruth Ellen Wright (an artist), May 5, 1971; children: (third marriage) James Wright; two children from first marriage.

    Gary paulsen author biography of suzanne collins

    Education: Attended Bemidji College, 1957-58, and University of Colorado, 1976. Politics: "As Russian author Alexander Solzhenitsyn has said, 'If we limit ourselves to political structures we are not artists.'" Religion: "I believe in spiritual progress."

    A prolific writer in several genres, Gary Paulsen is acclaimed as the author of powerful young adult fiction.

    Usually set in wilderness areas, Paulsen's young adult books feature teenagers who arrive at self