Tihamer toth biography sample

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    A Modest Proposal: Fast and Abstinence for all of Lent

    The other day one of the messaging groups I’m part of was full of questions as to whether that day required partial or full abstinence and what the norms were outside of Ember Days...

    Corona: Our Opportunity for a Crown

    In the last couple weeks I have found myself in the blessed position of still having access to sacraments, albeit in somewhat furtive conditions, but sacraments nevertheless.

    Only some weeks prior many of us...

    Paradoxes of the Panic Pandemic – Reflections from Downunder

    Our modern world has been very, very naughty, and now we find ourselves grounded, sent to stand in the corner, isolated, six feet away from everyone else lest we find ourselves “six feet under”...

    Enjoy Eastertide, but don’t waste your Lent

    Personal development, particularly stoicism, continues to grow in popularity in our ever more secular world, but many of thos