St augustine of canterbury biography of albert
St augustine of canterbury patron.
St.St augustine of canterbury biography of albert
Augustine of CanterburyFeast day: May 27
An Italian Benedictine monk who became the “Apostle of the English,” Saint Augustine of Canterbury is honored by the Catholic Church on May 27.
Under the direction of Pope Saint Gregory the Great, Augustine founded the famous See of Canterbury and preached the Catholic faith to the country's Anglo-Saxon pagans during the late sixth and early seventh centuries.
He is not be confused with the earlier St. Augustine of Hippo, the famous author of the “Confessions” and “City of God.”
Augustine's date of birth cannot be established, nor are any details of his early life known.
Most likely born in Rome to a noble family, he entered monastic life as a young man. The community he joined had been recently founded by a Benedictine monk named Gregory, who would go on to become Pope and eventually be known as St.
Gregory the Great. The friendship between Gregory and Augustine had great historical consequences, as it was the Pope who would ev